Value Proposition for Investment Managers

Trade bespoke investment strategies, such as:

— Managed futures strategies (e.g. CTA, Macro)

— Self-developed Risk Premia strategies

— Overlay strategies (e.g. option overwriting, “smart” FX hedging)

Set-up a single trading account with DB offering

— Operational setup and maintenance of the account

— Variety of linked investment products / vehicles

— Multiple currencies/risk profiles of the same strategy

— Global reach to investors in their preferred format

Open architecture for execution

— Execute trades with managers’ existing brokers

— Get access to DB’s Prime Brokerage and Clearing

Online portfolio management and reporting

Our digital portal puts all the information you need to manage your assets in one place

Learn more

Key Features for Managers

Simplified Account Setup

— Manager is appointed to trade on a dbSelect account with an Investment Management Agreement(“IMA”)

— Manager can trade with their usual executing brokers and “give-up” trades to their dbSelect account

— DB is setting up the necessary legal relationships/agreements (incl. Futures/Options agreements with exchanges, Equity PB, administration and other service provider agreements)

— Manager does not need to negotiate a separate ISDA / CSA agreement with Equity PB

Simplified account setup logo
operational ease logo
Operational Ease

Deutsche Bank is reducing managers’ operational burden by taking responsibility of:

— Account administration, documentation, risk monitoring and performance reporting

— All required margin movements and cash settlements

Continuous Risk Management

Manager is only facing Deutsche Bank resulting in:

— No further credit risk to any other executing brokers removing position liquidation risk

— Reduced liquidity risk: DB posts the required margin (incl. during market stress periods)

— Deutsche Bank monitors risk guidelines detailed in the IMA on behalf of the investor

Continuous risk management logo
Scalability and distribution logo
Scalability and Distribution

Manager trades in only one account; DB is making the strategy easily accessible to investors in a variety of investment vehicles (certificates, notes, OTC derivatives, funds), currencies, payoffs.

Customisation of the end-product for specific investor needs, such as:

— Risk transformation (leverage, capital protection, option payoffs)

— Capital requirement optimisation (e.g. reduced SCR (Solvency II) through stop-loss mechanism)

Reduced operational burden and risks
with scalable and customizable solutions!

Online Risk and P&L Reporting

Detailed account information

dbSelect Investment manager account overview screen

— Investment Managers benefit from hourly performance data

— P&L - Sector based and instrument level P&L Attribution

— Risk Guidelines - Risk measures with utilization level

— Position Details - Cash balances and expected flows to assist Investment Managers to manage all the risks

Manager Factsheet

dbSelect Manager factsheet screen

Use and distribute strategy factsheet

Enhanced report management

Schedule and download strategy reports for offline use

For demo access and more information about the platform, please contact us:


Platform for Institutional Investors only - not for retail

February 2021

Sales and Trading Disclaimer

Electronic communication including emails and other transmitted documents (“Messages”) may have been prepared by sales and/or trading functions (“Sales & Trading”) within Deutsche Bank AG or one of its affiliates (collectively “Deutsche Bank”), and may not have been produced, reviewed or edited by Deutsche Bank’s research department (“Research”). Any opinions expressed in Sales & Trading Messages are those of the author or individual sender (“Author”) and may differ from the opinions expressed by other Deutsche Bank departments, including Research. If you believe you have received material which you deem not to be an acceptable minor non-monetary benefit (“AMNMBs”), please contact the sender to discuss appropriate arrangements or payment options. These Messages are intended for the personal use of the recipient and do not constitute an offer, a recommendation or a solicitation to enter into, or otherwise purchase or sell, any transaction or security, or to participate in any particular trading strategy unless they are expressly referenced as such content. These Messages, and the information contained therein, do not constitute the provision of investment advice unless they are expressly referenced as such advice. These Messages are for the general information of our clients and are a general solicitation of derivatives business for the purposes of, and to the extent they are subject to, 1.71 and/or 23.605 of the U.S. Commodity Exchange Act. Sales & Trading is subject to additional potential conflicts of interest which Research does not face. Deutsche Bank may engage in transactions in a manner inconsistent with the views discussed in a Message. Deutsche Bank trades or may trade as principal in the instruments (or related derivatives), and may have proprietary positions in the instruments (or related derivatives) discussed in a Message. Deutsche Bank may make a market in the instruments (or related derivatives) discussed therein; and the Author may know the nature of such trading positions and strategies. Sales & Trading personnel are compensated in part based on the volume of transactions effected by them. Assumptions, estimates and opinions expressed constitute the Author’s judgment as of the date of the Message and are subject to change without notice. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. The Messages are based upon information that Deutsche Bank considers reliable as of the date hereof, but Deutsche Bank does not represent that it is accurate and complete. Certain transactions or securities mentioned in a Message, including derivative products, give rise to substantial risk, including currency and volatility risk, and are not suitable for all investors. Messages may be intended for institutional customers or accredited investors only and may be furnished for informational purposes only. Deutsche Bank transacts business with counterparties on an arm’s length basis and on the assumption that each counterparty is sophisticated and capable of independently evaluating the merits and risks of each transaction and that the counterparty is making an independent decision regarding any transaction.